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Your Results

Job TitleSalaryDateCity
Job TitleSalaryDateCity
Quality Control Technician $50,000 to $55,000 4/24/2024 Secaucus, NJ
Production Tech $50,000 to $55,000 4/24/2024 Boulder, CO
Production Technician $54,000 to $70,000 4/23/2024 Boulder, CO
Quality Supervisor $80,000 to $100,000 4/10/2024 South Royalton, VT
Electronics Quality Engineer $110,000 to $115,000 4/10/2024 Boulder, CO
Licensed Inspector $58,200 to $66,600 4/8/2024 Rockford, IL
Design Engineer $80,000 to $90,000 4/8/2024 Tomball, TX